केंद्रीय भंडारण निगम को "नवरत्न" का दर्जा दिया गया है। विक्रेताओं/ठेकेदारों/आपूर्तिकर्ताओं/सलाहकारों आदि द्वारा टीडीएस प्रमाणपत्र डाउनलोड करने के लिए बिल ट्रैकिंग प्रणाली का उपयोग। टोल फ्री नंबर 1800-313-0026 डायल करें - कीट नियंत्रण सेवाएँ। सीडब्ल्यूसी ने पूरे भारत में निजी गोदामों को किराए पर लेने के लिए WEE@CWC, वेयरहाउसिंग फॉर एवरीवन एवरीवेयर, एक वेयरहाउसिंग एग्रीगेटर सॉफ्टवेयर लॉन्च किया है। विक्रेता सीधे अपने बिल/चालान जमा करने के लिए सीडब्ल्यूसी के बिल ट्रैकिंग सिस्टम (बीटीएस) का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। बीटीएस पर जाने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें। अग्निपथ योजना, देश सेवा का सुनहरा अवसर, बनें अग्निवीर, अधिक जानने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें सत्यनिष्ठा प्रतिज्ञा सतर्कता जागरूकता सप्ताह 2024। सलाहकारों की नियुक्ति के लिए विज्ञापन नया एचआरएमएस यूआरएल
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Date of Circular Subject
03.12.2024 Annuity rates circular with annexures
23.09.2024 Implementation of National Pension Scheme (NPS) in CWC from existing Superannuation Pension plan: LIC/NPS.
18.12.2023 Option for Superannuation Pension plan: LIC/NPS.
29.11.2023 Annuity rates circular with annexures
26.07.2023 Annuity rates circular with annexures
22.06.2023 Annuity rates circular with annexures
25.05.2023 Annuity rates circular with annexures
27.12.2022 Annuity rates circular with annexures
27.11.2022 Annuity rates circular with annexures
27.09.2022 Annuity rates circular with annexures.
03.10.2022 List of Ex-employees who have not submitted their application as on 31.06.2022
18.08.2022 Annuity rates circular with Annexures.
03.08.2022 LContact details of Annuity Service Provider.
03.08.2022 List of Ex-employees who have not submitted pension application as on 31.06.2022
15.07.2022 Annuity Rates Circular with Annexure.
22.06.2022 Circular regarding Pension Annuity Rates.
18.05.2022 Circular regarding Pension Annuity Rates.
19.04.2022 Annuity Rates Circular with Annexures
14.03.2022 Circular regarding Annuity Rates
11.03.2022  list of ex-employees who have not submitted pension application in Pension Cell as on 31.01.2022.
16.02.2022  Circular regarding Pension Annuity Rates.
10.01.2022  Circular regarding Pension Annuity Rates.
10.12.2021  Circular regarding Annuity rates with annexure.
07.12.2021  Notice to submission of Life Existence Format for LIC only.
01.12.2021  Format for Life Existence Certificate for LIC only - reg.
18.11.2021  List of Ex-employees who have not submitted pension application as on 31.10.2021.
20.10.2021  Annuity Rates circular with annexure.
01.10.2021  Circular regarding Annuity Rates.
19.08.2021  List of ex-employees who have not submitted pension application in Pension Cell as on 31.07.2021.
13.08.2021  Circular regarding revised Annuity rates.
23.07.2021  Circular regarding Annuity Purchase with annexure
15.12.2020  Circular regarding Annuity Purchase
10.11.2020 Circular regarding Annuity Purchase
12.10.2020 Circular regarding online Submission of Annuity Purchase Form for Pension
21.09.2020 In continuation of circular of even number dated 26.11.2OL9, the revised indicative annuity rates offered by the Annuity service providers
20.08.2020 Annuity Rates
12.08.2020 List of ex-employees towards refund/Top-up of Pension Withheld amount who have retired in FY 2018-19 & FY 2019-20
16.07.2020 Status of Settlement of Pension Dues as on 16.07.2020
04.05.2020 Withholding of pension contribution at the time of retirement
21.04.2020 Circular regarding submission of (Annexure-I) for purchase of Annuity
17.04.2020 Annuity circular 
18.03.2020 Circular regarding revised indicative annuity rates of Pension Annuity Service Provider
27.01.2020 Circular of Online submission of Annuity Purchase form for Pension
13.01.2020 Circular regarding revised indicative annuity rates of Pension Annuity Service Provider.
17.12.2019 Updated List of Pensioners with Annuity No. for information of all concerned
26.11.2019 Circular regd. CWC's DCSB Pension Trust
25.11.2019 NPS Circular Dt.20/11/2019 - WITHDRAWN
21.11.2019 List of Pensioners with Annuity No. for information of all concerned
21.11.2019 Circular regarding National Pension System(NPS) in CWC
16.10.2019 Format of Live Existence Certificate for Pension( email id- bo_g103annuity@licindia.com)
16.10.2019 Document required for change of Annuity(Pension)/Withdrawal of Pension Fund after the death of First Annuitant/Pensioner
24.07.2019 List of ex-employees whose cases submitted in LIC on 23.07.2019 for settlement of Pension dues


List of ex-employees whose cases submitted in LIC on 20.06.2019 for settlement of Pension
20.06.2019 List of ex-employees of CWC who have not submitted Pension application form for settlement of pension dues.